I have worked for the British Geriatrics Society over the last three years. The new identity was designed and relaunched by John Spencer from Design Consultancy Offthetopofmyhead.co.uk. John brought me on board to help roll out the new look across all their marketing materials and to design BGS a Newsletter and provide templates that their own designers could then work with. I designed and laid out a large body of work using Johns guidance, but was also involved in developing the way the designs worked on a practical level which was great - it's always nice to be able to have input and a voice which is listened too! I have worked on many projects since with John and have a great working collaboration now, as you will see throughout other parts of my portfolio.
Work created includes:
Brochures, Leaflets, Email Banners, PowerPoint Templates, Newsletter and Templates, Pull up Banners, Stationary and Exhibition Stands.